Helping people follow Jesus
Last Sunday: cafe style worship on the last Sunday each month at 10.30am for 11am in the St Andrew's Hall View of the town of Crieff

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Sunday worship

We look forward to welcoming you at our worship services, which are held in the St Andrew's building at the corner of Ferntower Road and Strathearn Terrace.

Services are led by our minister, Rev Andrew J Philip, with a blend of new and older musical praise selected and led by our band, and members of the congregation leading readings and occasional prayes - these services are livestreamed on our YouTube channel for folk who can't come along (praise words are shown on screen).

We normally use the NIV translation of the Bible.

The services, which are livestreamed and recorded, generally last between 45 minutes and an hour.
Children are welcome - there is a play corner for the youngest, and Lego Sunday School for primary aged children.

Offerings are uplifted or made by standing order - we can accept contactless card/phone donations or for those joining worship at home offerings can be made online

Crieff Parish Church
Strathearn Terrace, CRIEFF PH7 3AQ
Scottish Registered Charity SC004304
A congregation of the Church of Scotland
within the Presbytery of Perth